3:00 PM - The Appearance in 2014

Gianluigi Sio

ISBN: 9781688339071
Nr. pagine: 108
Formato: 13x20
Categoria: Esperienze

€ 4,75 invece di € 5,00

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Written by Gianluigi Sio,

Author of the bestseller book "Bestemmiavo continuamente... poi mi apparve Gesù",

published by Editrice Ancilla.


One night I woke up suddenly disturbed by the shaking of the mattress. It was four in the morning and I was alone. My girlfriend, and I hoped my soon-to-be-wife, was in the other room, having fallen asleep cuddling our little girl. I put the palm of my hand on the mattress to check that the distress I was experiencing was not the fruit of my imagination. I cried out aghast: "Blimey! What is this? An earthquake?".

Then I touched the bedside table where I usually put my glasses, but it was completely still, not shaking in the least. I then switched the light on and in fact everything was steady... except for the bed-cover. I then wondered if it had been some kind of earthquake-swarm. The next day I would check on Google to see whether that was the case. It also occurred to me, however, that it might be the evil I fight every day; but how could the Devil have become so strong - I wondered - to attack me like that? I then took hold of the Gospel, which was on my bedside table next to my glasses, and put it on the mattress, saying out loud: "But in any case we have Free-will!", and the shaking stopped within seconds.


Questa pubblicazione è interamente in lingua inglese.



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